As a follow up to my article on apartments in AZ I found this and wanted to link to it. An announcement ofĀ new assisted living apartments in AZ has…
Arizona Apartments for RentRent Apartments ArizonaRent Arizona
Arizona Apartments for RentRent Apartments ArizonaRent Arizona
New Student Housing Being Built in AZ for Rent
As a follow uo to my article onĀ AZ for rentĀ I found this and wanted to link to it. Plans have been submitted to the city by Campus Crest to Build…
Arizona Apartments for RentRent Apartments ArizonaRent Arizona
Apartments AZ: Doing Good — and Growing in Flagstaff
As a follow up to my article on apartments AZ I found this and wanted to link to it. American Conservation Experience, or ACE, a conservation group in Flagstaff, makes…
Arizona Apartments for RentRent Apartments ArizonaRent Arizona
On the brink: AZ apartments may be Foreclosed On
As a follow uo to my article on AZ apartments I found this and wanted to link to it. During 2010 financially stressed AZ apartments were sold for about 40…
As a follow up to my article on apartments in AZ I found this and wanted to link to it. Apartments in AZ have long been the beneficiaries of the…
Arizona Apartments for RentRent Apartments ArizonaRent Arizona
New ASU Campus Could Mean New Apartments for Rent in Arizona
As a follow up to my article on rent in Arizona I found this and wanted to link to it. It looks like new apartments for rent in Arizona will…
Apts Phoenix ArizonaArizona Apartments for RentRent Apartments ArizonaRent Arizona
Arizona For Rent; Economic Recovery With Bright Spots, Turmoil
As a follow up to my article on Arizona for rent I found this and wanted to link to it. Arizona like most other states has suffered because of the…
Arizona Apartments for RentRent Apartments ArizonaRent Arizona
Az Rent: Apartments Aimed at Disabled
As a follow up to my article on Az rent I found this and wanted to link to it. Apartments that are aimed at the disabled will begin construction inĀ Glendale…